Monday, October 18

busy and carefree

I'm quitting Republic Poly!

I want to go Jurong Junior College so that it would be easier for me to go Bachelor of Education and I really like one subject combination in JJC :DD

But even if I can't go JJC I will opt for PJC, the second nearest to my house.

Have to carefully choose the subject combinations, so studying would be easier (hopefully!)

Friday, October 8

8 October


I lost my hp :CCCCCCC

Wednesday, October 6

Results are OUT!

Had just went to check my result.

Got 3.6 for my G.P.A.
:D Haha I'm very satisfied with my results

Now I shall aim for 3.7 next semester, and  if I can't get 3.7 I would still hope to maintain 3.6