Saturday, July 31

Last day of July 2010

Last day of July 2010

Cheng Mun work up at 7.56 am to get herself ready to go Science Centre for a volunteer programme as there are 5 ce points up for grab :D

She met Bee Leng and her mom at JE mrt station and walked to Science Centre. It was not a long walk, though Cheng Mun initially thought was.

Time flies by and Cheng Mun was found sitting down listening to the volunteering briefing. Right after that Bee Leng and her went around the Science Centre fooling and playing with all those quite interesting stuff. (Main motive is to choose the exhibition to be a student volunteer). In the end Bee Leng and she decided on Virus exhibition. :D

Hmm, now is time for the first character narrating.

Went to meet Steph at JP after lunch and watched "Despicable Me" in 3D :DD Story is nice and touching. Haha

Checked my inbox just now, found out I had been short-listed for the job of helping out in the Natas Travel fair XD Hope that I am really selected for the job ^^

Thursday, July 29

A better day?

Even more serious/bad

Sore throat + bad cough + fever + mild flu + muscle ache

Wanted to partial for today's cognitve module, but there will be a good workshop (without RJ) with 2 ce points @ 4p.m. later. If I partial I will probably not able to go.
But if I don't partial, with my sickly, nasty voice how the world am I going to present during the 3rd meeting? Tug of war in my heart...

Well in the end I did not partial as
  1. The workshop is too good to be missed
  2. If I partial for a 2nd time how would my classmates look at me?
  3. I may not be able to get A grade today
Yup so I remained as a good girl and decided, well 死就死吧.

3rd meeting

In the end meeting 3's presentation was considered
very successful :D

Although classmates did ask questions but my team and I "bombed"
them back almost immediately with
good answers (I suppose). Some also said I
very gan chiong and speak too fast. Hee hee

Wednesday, July 28

Sore throat Day

Sore throat made my voice 难听 :C
Hope it recovers as soon as possible (best by today) so my daily grade for tomorrow etc will not be affected :C

Today's communication practice's daily grade I think that I will most probably get C as I didn't voice out at all...
Sore throat is the 罪魁祸首!
Hopefully facilitator won't give me C grade as she knows that I have sore throat....

Classmates and facilitator said that the clothes is not very formal for office -.- Mom even insist that it is. Now she's wrong
3rd meeting

  • Bee Leng say she heard got one group comment my clothes not formal :X
  • I shouldn't have come today~
  • But if I don't come how would my  mom know that the attire is not ok?!
  • 觉得好丢脸
  • Now my shoulder is aching :CC
  • In need of salonpas but no $ to buy as I spent it all on lozenges, need go home to take money

Today's a sad day :C

Bee Leng just said next week will be better :D thanks 二姐, but I still feeling very emo (sad and a lil angry) :C

Cough and sore throat please please please (!) go away! I don't want you 2 hovering around me :CCCC

Thursday, July 22

22 July

Around 3 more weeks before my long school holidays.
Not really excited as I don't really know what to do during the holidays. Maybe I'll find a job? Can earn money ($.$) and kill boring time at the same time.

As now there are only few more weeks to school holidays I shall summon all my "power" and try get my A's by actively participating in class discussion. :D Say hi to my A's

A lil update on my current daily grades:

  • cognitive processes and problem solving I - 1A, 9B, 1C, 1X (as I was absent)
  • maths - 5A, 6B, 1C
  • communication practice - 8B, 3C
  • organisational behaviour - 1A, 8B, 2C
  • science - 7A, 4B, 1C


Today is cognitive processes, think my A is secured as I did speak up quite a lot during the discussions... especially during the group meeting. :D

Hmm hope that 2nd semester (and my 2nd + 3rd year) my classmates would be as nice as my classmates now (especially ppl like pamela, bee leng, shu yi, amirah) :DD

bee leng = best friend in school = er jie :DD

Well gotta do work le, chiong ah~

Thursday, July 15

Plan for Dad's birthday

Dad's birthday is on 12 August

And my brother and I (mostly me though) have been "cracking" our heads thinking how to help him celebrate.

Go Singapore Flyer? Time consuming...

Dinner at shopping centre? But he may have to work....

Pizzahut delivery at home? He may not like~

Sumptuous dinner at coffeeshop downstairs? Think these will work.
But if I bring cake (outside food) will it be ok?
